Telehealth Consultations

Telehealth consultations can be provided for regular patients of the practice and are particularly useful for febrile illnesses such as coughs and cold. This allows a consultation to occur whilst protecting the doctors, staff and other patients of Brecken Health Mandurah. The usual fees situation for the patient applies. They may also be suggested for services such as repeat scripts, ongoing referrals, discussion about mental health issues or ongoing symptoms, and review of pathology or imaging results.  For severe respiratory symptoms, it is appropriate to contact the local hospital for advice on how to attend. 

 Where our receptionists are uncertain if you need a face to face appointment a time will be given for a Telehealth appointment and you will be asked to come in if it is judged to be more appropriate. 

Protect yourself and others

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for twenty seconds. Do it often!

Cover your cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue used and if no tissues are available use the crook of your elbow then wash your hands.  If any symptoms – use a mask.

Covid contact with others. Especially if unwell (stay more than 1.5 metres from people). Particularly if you are over 70 or have other significant illnesses – stay at home.  The virus is most commonly spread via the air in small (aerosol), or large (droplet) particles. Wearing a mask is the best way to prevent someone spreading the virus and helps to decrease the ability to catch the virus. 

Get immunised. Have three shots and let’s get more people vaccinated.